it helps with every-thing!

Regular physical strain is objectively the best action a person can take, assuming the passage of time is a factor.

Number one bar none in “helps with other things”; it helps with every-thing!

Resently I’ve started incorporating animal flow-like exercises to great effect. Something about being on all four moving around seems both natural and hibernating.

On that note:

Bridge transition. A great way to get those shoulders moving and incorporating bridging into the rutine is a really great idea.

  1. start in downward-facing dog
  2. transition into crab position and bridge
  3. transition back into downward-facing dog
  4. that is one repetition
  5. pause anywhere, for stretching and/or strength

with equipment


Kettlebell swings is an amazing exercise, highly recommended but also quite well-known.

A lesser-known exercise is kettlebell halo. My favourite shoulder section strengthening exercise at the moment. Also engages the core nicely.

  1. hold the kettlebell by the handle upside-down in front of the chest
  2. move the kettlebell slowly in a circle around the lower back of the head
  3. all the way back to the starting position
  4. repeat in the opposite direction

The rings

don’t think, just order a set of 25€ steady rings immediately

Possibly the absolute winner through the history of gym equipment, one blogger’s opinion, is the rings.

Every exercise engages the forearms and the core, arguably the most important while underrated muscle groups for practical strength. It is impossible to overstate the practical power feeling of increased grip strength and core strength.

Even though most exercises in the rings without ground support are intermediate to advanced, there is also a complete beginner-level course included if you stay on the ground while varying body inclination/position and speed of movement for difficulty.


Behold! If you please… the most brilliantly natural, extremely uncomplicated, very safe and completely effective single-exercise, whole-body strength and cardio workout you will never hear about anywhere, because of a lack of monetizability I guess:

sandbag shouldering

Fill a sports bag (or similarly-shaped container) with 15 kg, plus/minus 10 kg. Stand on the floor in front of the bag. Pick it up without using handles, using your fingers to grab it (this is essential) and place in on one shoulder. If it is light enough, in one move. If it is heavy, using a couple of moves or more. Then place it carefully on the floor if possible or if it is too heavy, just drop it. That is one repetition.

8-10 reps is enough for heavy breathing, or it is in my case and using the weight I use.

If you are looking for a one-stop exercise, this is all you need. Many exercises make this claim but this is the only one that actually delivers.


Parallettes relieve the wrist to such an extent to make you go hmmm… Pushups, handstand, l-sit, crow stand - any palm-to-floor exercise is vastly improved, to the degree of I’m never going back.


Whatever you do - don’t wait.