Contrary to popular puh-lease the internet is a place solely for nerds, the disciplined and the weird.

Since it has taken the silenced majority 30 years to start to realize what any geek learned in a very short period of being (actually) online, the conclusion is clear if not seen by anyone.

You - can’t - hand-le…! The internet.

Not only that, you can’t handle the telephone system and the mail system, either.

To qualify this latter statement, consider what constitutes practical hacking: exactly that.

The smartphone is a unique combination of technologies you can’t handle.


Now go invent you own stuff, silly.

This machine is more power than you can handle. You will hurt yourself.

They should just put that on the box (of everything):

Unless your understanding of the tool you are using is steadily increasing, the probability it will feed on your hands marches steadily towards hold my beer.

Or less dramatically:

A tool is likely to hurt you at some point to the extent you fail to master it.

Or if you wanna be all Anonymous about it:

the domain of the internet is us. the range of the internet is you.